sénescence - traduzione in francese
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sénescence - traduzione in francese

Theories of aging; Longevity genes; Longevity Genes; Aging DNA; Senescent; Biology of ageing; Biological aging; Biology of aging; Theories of biological aging; Effects of aging; Vital substance theory of aging; Reproductive exhaustion theory of aging; Neuroendocrine theory of aging; Wear and tear theory of aging; Waste product accumulation theory of aging; Cross-linking theory of aging; Immune system theory of aging; Order to disorder theory of aging; Inflamation theory of aging; Inflammation theory of aging; Biological ageing; Theory of aging; Longevity gene; Biology of Aging; Biology of Ageing; Senesce; Aging clock; Measurement of biological aging; Causes of senescence
  • work=[[Mayo Clinic]]}}</ref>
  • Healthspan-lifespan gap (LHG)<ref name="10.1038/s41536-021-00169-5"/>
  • Healthspan extension relies on the unison of social, clinical and scientific programs or domains of work<ref name="10.1038/s41536-021-00169-5"/>

n. senescence, aging process, process of growing older
senescent, aging, growing older


·noun The state of growing old; decay by time.



Senescence () or biological aging is the gradual deterioration of functional characteristics in living organisms. The word senescence can refer to either cellular senescence or to senescence of the whole organism. Organismal senescence involves an increase in death rates and/or a decrease in fecundity with increasing age, at least in the latter part of an organism's life cycle.

Senescence is the inevitable fate of almost all multicellular organisms with germ-soma separation, but it can be delayed. The discovery, in 1934, that calorie restriction can extend lifespan by 50% in rats, and the existence of species having negligible senescence and potentially immortal organisms such as Hydra, have motivated research into delaying senescence and thus age-related diseases. Rare human mutations can cause accelerated aging diseases.

Environmental factors may affect aging – for example, overexposure to ultraviolet radiation accelerates skin aging. Different parts of the body may age at different rates and distinctly, including the brain, the cardiovascular system, and muscle. Similarly, functions may distinctly decline with aging, including movement control and memory. Two organisms of the same species can also age at different rates, making biological aging and chronological aging distinct concepts.

Esempi di pronuncia per sénescence
1. of replicative senescence.
The Science of Curing Aging _ Aubrey de Grey, PhD _ Talks at Google
2. which is a negligible senescence.
3. And we call that senescence.
Stem Cells Increases Human Life Expectancy _ Mark Katakowski _ Talks at Google
4. was called replicative senescence, with telomeres
The Science of Curing Aging _ Aubrey de Grey, PhD _ Talks at Google
5. But this turns to senescence here,
Stem Cells Increases Human Life Expectancy _ Mark Katakowski _ Talks at Google
Esempi dal corpus di testo per sénescence
1. Cet article vient confirmer une hypoth';se déjŕ confortée par nombreux indices: l‘action de p53 est intimement liée ŕ la sénescence cellulaire.
2. Ils sont trop nombreux les seniors, notamment qualifiés, encore en pleine possession de leurs moyens – car séniorité ne rime pas avec sénilité, ni sénescence avec obsolescence! – qui vég';tent en marge ou qui, émargeant au budget de l‘aide sociale – eh oui! belle ineptie –, contribuent ŕ son explosion.
3. C‘est ce qui fait sa force», argumente un militant du Dauphiné, avant de concéder du bout des l';vres «qu‘ŕ presque 80 ans, ce n‘est pas forcément le meilleur âge pour exercer le pouvoir». '';a ne l‘est certainement pas pour Jacques Bompard, le maire d‘Orange, exclu du bureau politique du FN en septembre, qui consid';re aujourd‘hui que «le FN est entré dans une phase de déclin irréversible, de sénescence.